Within the KS3 Food Curriculum we want our students to leave school with a love of cooking, knowing how to safely cook a range of predominantly healthy, savoury dishes to feed themselves and others well. As students move through Years 7-9, they will be given the opportunity to explore the Food Industry in greater depth, enabling them to being able to make informed choices of future qualifications and careers.
Learning about Food is a crucial life skill for students both now and in later life. Throughout students' time at LHS we actively aim to encourage independent learning through practical application. Our department ensures that our students have a wider understanding of the environmental impacts of food choices and the importance of purchasing food that is in season, becoming more sustainable and taking in to consideration food provenance. Our students learn about multicultural foods and experience how different cultural foods influence our everyday food choices. This enables our students to have a clear understanding of different religions and ethical beliefs and how these have influenced our western lives.