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Attendance and Punctuality

It is absolutely vital that you attend school regularly and on time.  Your parents are paying for your education through taxes and if you are missing school, then that money is wasted.  There are three ways in which absence may blight your future.

  1.  You miss important work and then you find it hard to keep up with lessons when you return to school.
  2.  You do less well in examinations than you should. 
  3.  Employers always ask us about school attendance and punctuality records of students when they leave.  Ask yourself the question ‘would I give a job to somebody who is unable to turn up every day on time?’ the answer is NO!
Absences/Leaving the building during school hours

If you feel ill you should tell your teacher.  If it is necessary for you to be sent home you/your teacher must get an Exit Note signed by the Attendance Officer. We will always check first that there is someone at home so that your are not there on your own.  If you need to leave school early you must again get an Exit Note. Exit Notes should always be shown to the school office as you will be signed out of school in the Exit Book.  You should keep hold of the Exit Note as it counts as permission to be out of school. On no account should you leave school without permission; if there is a fire, lives could be put at risk looking for you if we think that you are in the building. PLEASE NOTE: For all absences, you are required to bring a note, signed by a parent/guardian, explaining why you have been off school. Parents are required to call the attendance line on the first day of absence (0151 214 3427) and keep school updated thereafter. Evidence is required for medical and/or other appointments.

If this is not received, contact will be made with your parents/guardians to ask for an explanation for your absence. Any unexplained absences will be recorded as truancy.

Attendance Officer

The Attendance Officer manages attendance. If you are absent from school without an explanation she will contact home to find out why you are not in school.  If your attendance drops below 96% you will be referred to the Parent/Student Support Worker.  If your attendance drops below 90% you may be referred to the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) who may come to visit you at home.