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At Litherland High School we are fully committed to providing an inclusive education for all students to support them in achieving success, regardless of need or disability. 

The school's aims are based on the development of each individual student and our determination to encourage them to achieve their best. Working in line with Sefton Council's Graduated Response Approach to SEND, we have a tiered approach to our support. This is done in a secure and stimulating learning environment where the student is at the centre of our planning. We seek to engender a sense of belonging to the school and to boost self-esteem, confidence and motivation. Our core purpose is "Success for All" and we aim to create a positive climate for learning where expectations and standards are high. 

SEND Support Team

The SENDCo at Litherland High is Mrs Morgan. If you would like to contact Mrs. Morgan, please do not hesitate in doing so by emailing 

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ADHD Foundation - the neurodiversity charity

Through our partnership with the ADHD Foundation we are able to refer parents and carers to participate in live-streamed webinars. There are three sessions to choose from:

  • Understanding and supporting my child with ADHD
  • Understanding ASD
  • Understanding behaviour

All programmes are free for parents to access and are available on a rolling programme that covers a wide variety of dates and times for families to choose from.

To register your interest, email