Curriculum Intent and Rationale
The curriculum at Litherland High School is designed and organised to encourage lifelong learning. The curriculum reflects the school’s local context, developing confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. Our curriculum is structured to give students a wide range of experiences and is organised in a way that maximizes their chances of developing resilience, acquiring knowledge and skills, and succeeding academically. The promotion of the school's values, the development of character traits, character education, and the cultivation of talents in all areas of life are at the core of our curriculum offerings.
Our core curriculum values are:
- Accelerate student progress by stretching and challenging students over a five-year period.
- A well-organised and sequential curriculum that prioritises new knowledge and skills
- A curriculum that has an appropriate coverage, content, structure and sequencing that has been implemented effectively through careful planning and consideration.
- Targeted support and additional challenge to ensure all students make at least national rates of progress.
- To embed CEIAG opportunities, in all subject areas, in order to create high aspirations.
- Promotion of an extended schools programme that offers additional opportunities in sport, performance, art and catch-up classes.
- To support the transition of students from primary to secondary school