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BTEC Music

The BTEC Music course allows students to develop their own musical interests and skills including the ability to make music individually and in groups and to use music technology.

Students explore the Music Industry through performing, composing, learning about how the music business works and managing music products such as live events.

What are BTEC’s like?
  • Vocational
  • Applied learning
  • Mainly evidence portfolio based
  • Developing skills that employers value
  • Endorsed by industry bodies
  • Coursework assignments mimic typical industry briefs and scenarios
How will students learn?
  • Discussion
  • Research
  • Practice portfolios
  • Self and peer assessment
  • Field Trips
  • Meeting practitioners
  • Composing to industry briefs
  • Producing products/events

Unit overview




Unit 1: The Music Industry 

Essential knowledge

Written exam (1 hr)


Unit 2: Managing a Music Product - applying essential vocational skills.

Applying vocational skills



Unit 4: Introducing Music Composition (25%)



Unit 5: Introducing Music Performance (25%)



How is BTEC Music different to GCSE Music?
  • This is a level 2 qualification, so it is equivalent to a GCSE.
  • There is no music history component and no listening exam.
  • The written exam is 25%, (40% at GCSE) and the exam is shorter (1 hour)
  • Most students will sit the Unit 1 exam in June of year 10 (resit option in January of Y11)
  • 75% of the qualification is assessed via coursework (60% at GCSE).
  • Pupils can resubmit coursework.
  • An overall Distinction* grade (equivalent to a GCSE grade 9) is possible if you achieve high marks across the four units.

Peripatetic Music Tuition